Hui Ting

+lovely 21
+graduated from Ngee Ann P0ly+
+Diploma in Business Information Technology+
+pursuing Degree in Biz management Majoring Finance+

+like to smile and laugh alot
+love her family and group of friends very much
+share happiness with ppl around her
+stay happy and smiles always ^^
+loves dogs, puppies and small animals

+l0Ve fr0m family and fRenx+
[I g0t it lE..thanx mY familY anD frEnx]
+stay happy+
+achieve my goals+
+moRe $$+
+travel to more countries+
+l0ve from someone special+




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*Year 2010*
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010

*Year 2009*
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
Decemeber 2009

*Year 2008*
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

*Year 2007*
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Monday, January 29, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. reflection .]] +

do you think it's funny to tease others?
do you really find it entertaining by insulting others??
have you ever put yourself in other's shoes?
not being petty, but you must know when is the right time to joke..
guess all you have is kid's mentality..

being bias won't get you far..
the ability to differentiate who's good is needed..
but guess you don't have..or maybe..not for now..
all i see is childish act of yours..

empty promises...big talk...
is that all you have??

Disappointed. frustrated. irritated.
that's my feeling now..
dunno what more to say...

if you think that it's right to be like this
then go ahead..
if you think that you had shown respect to us
so be it..
if you think that you are doing all these for our good
i had nothing more to say..
to stay or join another group,
that's my two option now...
one last thing to spark me,
i will be sure to make my decision..
80% - 20 %
results will be released soon.... i guess..

i miss you.. skaterboy..

5:45:00 PM
but you never came...

Friday, January 26, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. happy .]] +

i saw you!!! yay...
just sooOoo happy to see you....
you tok to me...
you greeted me =)
and now.. i'm sooOo happy^^
you have just make me day (^^,)

9:58:00 PM
but you never came...

have been waiting for you

+ [[. high high high .]] +

yay!!! finally, ECD presentation is over..
plus the 30 plus pages report.. everything was done
so happy ^^ tutor was quite satisfied with our presentation i would say =P
good.. our hard work was not wasted ^^
went to "so called" celebration..
hMm... actually, it was just a dinner together..
with some of the classmates missing..
cuz they had their things on..
but still, we had fun ^^
i will upload the pics instead of saying more things..
ahaha.. pictures speak a thousand words.. (^^,)

the class. small but fun ^^

our dinner!!

squirrel =P

me and c******, my crazy "sister" =P

laugh all you want =P

the guys.. with a***** missing. =/

gk in action. ahah.. billard..

a*** in action man..

time for b****.. cOol man!!

lastly, my idol... j***** standard pose..

c****** learning how to play pool..

i know i know.. look very unprofessional..

squirrel and me.. @ pool centre..

finally... a pic with a*** =)

the group @ pool centre.. ^^

last pic of the day.. me and c****** (^^,)

thanks for always being there for me whenever i need you.. =)

12:26:00 AM
but you never came...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ +

i never hope to say this..
but now... you make me say it out..

i hate you...
this time round..
you make me really hate you..

from the very moment now..
i hate you..
till when.... i dunno..

a learning curve for me?
enrich my life??

ups and downs is what make my life colourful?
but anyway, thanks ^^

1:37:00 AM
but you never came...

Monday, January 22, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. working hard .]] +

wah!!! it's time for me to whine...
being working hard since a few days back...
or should i say...since last week...
omg... finally, one main report was done..
and submitted today!! was quite relieved..

now preparing for tml presentation..
hope everything goes well for us.. ^^

hMmz... actually also nothing to update..
was quite contented with my life and everything now..
all right...till then... stay happy and take care ^^

11:51:00 PM
but you never came...

Monday, January 15, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. tired .]] +

wah!! today i spent around 3-4 hours doing door-to-door questionnaire..
omg!!! my legs hurt... poor them..
more massage are needed..
i just dun understand why can't we adopt mall-intercept approach..
it will better for us to identify our target and save time.. =(
still need to do assignments etc..
all dued next week i think.. if i'm not wrong.. =/
oh man.. i'm just sooOoOoo tired..
tml still need to complete those questionnaires!!!
ah!!!! wonder what's wrong with the ppl??!!
just answering some questions, does it harm you in some ways??
tsk tsk... >=(
by the way, happy birthday sweetie Jasmine ^^

forgive and forget..
sour grapes make a lousy wine...
i will hang on..
you are my goal ^^

10:09:00 PM
but you never came...

Friday, January 12, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. raining .]] +

now, it's still raining outside..
nowadays, the weather is wet, and the sky just keep pouring..
hMmz... quite cooling, but sometimes, it's too cOld..
my friends, everyone... do take care of health okay??
don't fall sick.. ^^

thinking.... i have about a month plus before graduation..
omg... everything seems to pass so quickly..
just a blink of eyes, it's a new day...
i've yet achieve what i want!!
ah!!! Huiting!!! pls... work hard...
i will!!! wish me good luck ^^
still packed with projects and assignments..
will do my best... hee..
afterall, it's the last semester in poly..
i will work hard ... (^^,)

dun always give empty promises...
you just make others lose trust in you ..
nobody will be there for you anymore..
you deserve what you deserve.. m******

i will work towards my goals..
with all the supports i got from my friends... ^^
jia you!! hee...

still waiting for this cd arrival..
out of stock.. oh man!! so sellable!!
happy for them ^^...
but wasted, there's no mv included in this cd..

you are still the one for me (^^,)

11:10:00 PM
but you never came...

Monday, January 08, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. hmm .]] +

tired... but contented ^^
hmm.. now trying to split the assignment and project..
planning what to do tml for project...
most probably, i will go for a run around the campus..
i mean...the running track with my friend...
amazing yA?? hahaha...
becuz one of my goody friend.... said something that spark me..
and sort of motivate me once again..
ah!!! trying hard to prove him wrong =P

motivation and determination are the keys to success ^^
take care everyone !! stay happy ^^

11:53:00 PM
but you never came...

Sunday, January 07, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. hmm .]] +

met up with sweeties ytd...
it was a simple outing which we do our "catch-up" session..
and updates each other with things happening around us.
hmmz... it was as usual, a happy outing.. ^^

being tied up with assignments and deadlines..
but still, i will tried my best to manage every assignments..
do it with my best and submit a good work..

some said i had changed..
but of course for the better... (^^,)
glad to hear such compliments at times..
i'm still changing for the better.. haha..

hmm.. dunno what more to update..
take care everyone..
stay happy ^^

i dunno what to say...
you know i'm not good at words..
but all i wish is that you are happy..
dun be afraid to ask for help..
cuz i really care..
you will succeed someday..
as long as you work hard..
i believe in you ^^

forgive and forget..
sour grape make a lousy wine..

11:07:00 PM
but you never came...

Friday, January 05, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. ^^ .]] +

ahaha... was so happy ytd..

i saw my eye candy...

wheeEe~~!! tok to him..

think that's the first time i said so much to him..

ahaha... just so excited lah!! ^^

i'm simply just so happy =P

hmmz.. nothing much to update though...

just sometimes feel very lonely..

but i always manage to overcome this loneliness somehow..

okay.. that was random...

all right.. will update when i'm in mood.. hee..

take care ^^

11:51:00 PM
but you never came...

Thursday, January 04, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. contented .]] +

hmmz.. i dunno why..
but somehow today i felt happy..
my mood was good... everything seems well..
hee... project draft... tutor comment it was a good start..
phew!!! i still thought that i may make mistakes.. hee

finally!!!! my sweetie christel is back!!!
wanna meet her up sOon!! =)
projects and assignments deadline are reaching..
i think i still managing quite well.. =P
must jia you and be independent... hee =)

took some random pics... ahhaa..
i'm vain..i admit =P
this was taken on 25th dec 2006..
when i'm back home from van's house. =)
haha.. my smile look so dry.. tsk tsk
hMmz... no comment =P
okay!!! take care peeps!!! ^^
rmb, there's no easy way to achieve your dream!!
all the best and work hard!! =)
thanks for letting me feel so warm again! ^^

12:28:00 AM
but you never came...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. a new year 2007 .]] +

HAPPY 2007!!! ^^
it's a brand new year with a brand new resolution..!!

ahaha.. so many to think of..

hMmz.. but basically, is to still work toward my dream

and achieve success to it!! (^^,)

not forgetting to have a smooth year ahead..

with happy family and friends around...

everyone enjoying good health and wealth..

dun look back...look ahead and work towards the goal

is what i will try to do and achieve.

do not be greedy. do not give up.

i can make it to the things i want to get.. =)

rushing projects and assignments are what i'm doing during the

so-called two week term breaks...

but glad that still, somehow everything is on time..

except for tat particular module with irresponsible personnel in charge

who did not contact us despite saying "i will contact you later"

no wonder...your products were not sellable..

becuz of inefficiency work you produce..

tsk tsk..it's time to reflect..

learnt alot these years..

thru working, friends, media etc...

better in dealing with people and work i guess..

haha...seen through alot of people..

guess i learnt to analyse a person somehow..

no point holding grudges...

it's tiring... and it's endless..

but at times, some one could just make you soOooO fed up and upset

that you wanted to just get away from them

and ignored them when they need help..

still, i think controlling of temper is necessary..

and communication skills is important..

it will determine if your friends will help you or harm you..

gossip just upset people..

gossip is a hurting tone..
time for self-reflection!! =)
when things are over, let it pass
dun dig it back and let history repeat..

1:21:00 PM
but you never came...