Hui Ting

+lovely 21
+graduated from Ngee Ann P0ly+
+Diploma in Business Information Technology+
+pursuing Degree in Biz management Majoring Finance+

+like to smile and laugh alot
+love her family and group of friends very much
+share happiness with ppl around her
+stay happy and smiles always ^^
+loves dogs, puppies and small animals

+l0Ve fr0m family and fRenx+
[I g0t it lE..thanx mY familY anD frEnx]
+stay happy+
+achieve my goals+
+moRe $$+
+travel to more countries+
+l0ve from someone special+




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*Year 2007*
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June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Friday, March 30, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. night out .]] +

yeah.. went to MOS with sweetie christel & her group of friends..
it was suppose to be some event happening in there..
dunno what DJ event de...
but i see nothing but the crowd.. =/

crowd start streaming into MOS at around 11 plus...
oh man!! the smoke getting heavier..
but the atmosphere was quite fun and cOol ^^

ppl squeezing here and there..
the "feel" was there.. lol. quite a new experience i had as compared to MoMo.
will try out other club toO if i had the chance..
hee.. everything was nice just that i dun like the cigarette smell =x

i hope you could be strong and the best for everything you gonna do ..
you should know who care for you..

11:21:00 PM
but you never came...

Thursday, March 29, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. tagged .]] +

thanks yan ping -_- i was too busy for these la =P

"this is what you are supposed to do, cut and paste if you decide to participate in the tagging game.. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things about themselves as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog.”

all right... i shall not ruin the "game"
so i will continue here..

1. sometimes, i eat just chilli with bread.. not those packet chilli, as in chilli padi
2. i will do some acting to myself ( that's only when i'm bored okay?? =P )
3. sometimes, i will just go around doing silly stuffs that my mummy was thinking if i'm 19yrs old this year .. =P
4. i dunno if this sound weird, but i will wash my face whenever i came back home from outside
5. sometimes, i will talk to my puppy ( oh, it is a very cute stuff toy that my sweet poly classmates bought for me for my birthday 2 years back ^^)
6. actually, i dunno what's weird or not, cuz maybe to some it is just a habit. sometimes, i will split the burger and start eating the bread first then fillet.

to those who have been tagged:
well, this is just a game of fun..
do not take too much of your time.
so why not continue? =)

ppl that have been tagged:
1. Jasmine
2. Xueting
3. lisa
4. pei jun
5. firda
6. Ouyang

stay happy always ^^

11:03:00 AM
but you never came...

Monday, March 26, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. boring .]] +

ya ya ya.. this is me!! the girl who feel so bored..
and start taking pic again =P
well, i did vaccum floor too ^^
so at least, i'm not slacking..

this morning, the job agent called..
offer me an one-day job at raffles..
and ask if i could go there asap..
i rejected as expected..
too rush, too far..
somemore it's just one day..
i hate to be rush and doing things that i have not yet expected..
therefore, bye bye job offer..
just hope that i could get a good temp job
with good working environment, good pay and good ppl there..
maybe it seems like i'm expecting too much..
but this is just what i wish to get?? =)

all right...shall wait and see how ba..
take care peeps ^^

below are some pics that i took last week..
but i forgotten when..
just remember that these pics are taken
on the day when i went out with van sweetie ^^
though it was a short and sweet catch-up session,
but i still enjoy it.. and hope she does too ^^

this is my outfit that day..
with new necklances of cuz =P

closer view of the necklance.. from taiwan ^^

somehow, you always brighten my day ^^

11:59:00 PM
but you never came...

Sunday, March 25, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. hmmm .]] +

firstly, thanks to those who showed me their concern with regards to the previous entry..
hahaha... i'm all right now..
it was just some rants that i had..
tired.. but i will stay happy ^^
afterall, the loser do not worth my anger. bOo!!!

working from friday till today..
ya.. i'm tired..
but as soon as i got a new temp job
i think i will stop the part time waitress job..
the people and management really....tsk tsk...

still saving up for my taiwan trip...
most probably will be going at the end of july..
or beginning of august..
but... everything not confirm yet.. so...
just a dream that i hope to accomplish ^^

take care friends ^^
stay happy =)

you always enlighten my day ^^

9:28:00 PM
but you never came...

Saturday, March 24, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. irritating ppl appearing in my life .]] +

i think it's time for you to reflect yourself

dun always say one thing and do the other..

you are the damn person that who initiate to meet

and now you are the screw person that gone MIA

with no one that could contact you..

i seriously dun tink whatever you done will succeed

looking at your f***ing attitude now..

no doubt that i'm right...

no one will ever trust you..

your way of handling things make me puke..

let me give you one advice

you won't succeed in watever you do..

unless you change the way you are now..


1:56:00 PM
but you never came...

Friday, March 16, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. shopping .]] +

last sunday, went to tangs with mummy and didi for some shopping..
finally, mummy has time to go orchard and shop ^^
we used the $100 voucher that daddy got from his company's dinner
to buy the things that mummy want..

hmmz..at the same place, i had spent over $100 on comestics. M.A.C products.
i bought foundation, cream base for eye shadow, and 2 different colour of eye shadow..
christel also introduced me another brand that's good..
i will try it out, but only when i got a job and pay.. =x
i had apply for some job and now waiting for their reply..
hopefully i could get a job which has good environment, with good colleagues and good pay =P

on the same day, we went over to queensway shopping centre..
didi was looking for addidas shoes..we went to a couple of shops.
but somehow, the design did not really attract my brother..
after some more walking, finally, di di settle down at a shop
and bought a red striped pair of addidas shoes. ^^
he's happy and we are happy too ^^

dinner later at that same day with didi's god-mother and god-father..
it was a nice and sumptuous dinner.
a happy day that is =)
learnt alot from wise man too..
appreciate it alot!! ^^ hope we could meet up sOon!!

went for dance class on thurs!!
cOol!! i enjoy it!! after so long without dancing...
now i feel so excited!! hahaha. =)
i'm glad that christel enjoy it too (^^,)
will go there more often..

the lesson was fine... hMmz..
i could catch up with the move..
thanks to the previous instructor who taught me the basic moves..
if not, i dun tink i could easily catch up with the instructor now..

oh. anyway, i got a new handphone ^^
w810i.. in WHITE!!! =)
that will explain why there's more pic uploaded in my blog nowadays..
hee.. yes yes Yes!! i like taking pics.. but that's only when i'm in mood =P
okay.. time for some pics...

that's me.. with full make-up done by the guy over at M.A.C =) thanks..
but the eyeliner on my left eye is covered by the eyeshadow.
and i forget to bring the eyeliner to touch up =x

mummy and me.. ^^

me.. i know i look ugly and fat here =x

hahaha.. better right =D

me Me me!! hahaha.. with spade necklance + cap

lalala!!! with mesh-cap on =)

another cap.. =P no worry.. i only g0t three caps mummy =P

take care peeps ^^

9:33:00 PM
but you never came...

Thursday, March 08, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. girls outing .]] +

went out with the two sweeties ytd and today..
went to town for some shopping and dining...
did some catch-up session and update each other
about own's life... ^^
today went over to christel's house..
it's exercise day... hahaha
first, was basketball, then catching, lastly, cycling..
oh man!! my butt still hurt...
i still dun like the seat of the bike... =(
and my legs is aching now..
gonna massage it more later... ^^
hMmz... did alot of things at her house..
once ready, we will announce... ahahhaa...
had great time with the girls these two days..
must take care worx... ^^
still....pictures speak a thousand words... =)
but...without jas cuz she left first after walking on heels for a long time..
poor her.. must take care too.. rest well.. ^^
this is christel @ plaza sing.. purple bunny.. =P

but she seems happier to be a pink bunny ^^

me me Me!!! ahhaha. i know i act cute..
come on!! it was suppose to be for fun.. ^^

princess with bunny ear??!! hmm... picture it yourself ba =P

this is me again!! ahahha.. after i got home..
took with my new spade necklance =)

^^ in the living room with my didi calling me to bath.. =x
hmmm...wait a moment all right di di.. ^^
all right.. i'm all ready for a bath... hee
just one last smile on camera ^^
stay happy always ^^

10:55:00 PM
but you never came...

Sunday, March 04, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. ^^ .]] +

it's the last day of chinese new year...
hee... bought yu sheng home and waiting for mummy and brothers to come home
after their work...
work in the morning and decided not to work at night..
tired i would said..
working non stop since last friday..
hMmz....so wanna stay at home watch tv =)

went to buy newspaper just now..
wOoo.. the moon is beautiful ^^
it seems like it's smiling... at me =P
i thought i saw a smiley face looking at me..
so beautiful and enchanting ^^
hope it will stay like this every night (^^,)

all right peeps...
take care and hang on to your dreams... =)

9:18:00 PM
but you never came...

Thursday, March 01, 2007
have been waiting for you

+ [[. work .]] +

had been working since last friday i tink..
as a waitress...
haven't been walking so much at work
until last friday..
omg.. i was walking here and there...to and fro..
without resting at work..
maybe it's dued to the chinese new year festive..
everyone is dining at restaurant..
thus explained my "busy moment" at work.. =P

finally, today had a little rest at home..
dun feel like working today.. wanna give myself a break...
but think from tml till sunday, i will accept the work again..
ahhaha... earning more $$ to spend =P

got a number of packet from customers that i had served..
and tips.. thanks !! ^^ some are very humourous too.. =)

i still love the job of socialising with others...
and walk here and there... whEeEEee!! =)
dun you tink i torture my legs..
i gave them massage daily ^^
to loosen up muscles... and relax (^^,)
all right.. will updates soon ^^

this is me with my work attire on..
omg.. face grow rounder.. had been eating during this festive.. ahaha =P
take care peeps ^^
drink more water while enjoying delicious food..
and do more exercises... i mean simple one =P ^^

3:55:00 PM
but you never came...