Hui Ting

+lovely 21
+graduated from Ngee Ann P0ly+
+Diploma in Business Information Technology+
+pursuing Degree in Biz management Majoring Finance+

+like to smile and laugh alot
+love her family and group of friends very much
+share happiness with ppl around her
+stay happy and smiles always ^^
+loves dogs, puppies and small animals

+l0Ve fr0m family and fRenx+
[I g0t it lE..thanx mY familY anD frEnx]
+stay happy+
+achieve my goals+
+moRe $$+
+travel to more countries+
+l0ve from someone special+




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Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Monday, July 28, 2008
have been waiting for you

+ EMO! +

i'm feeling sOOooOOOoooooOoo




i dun like today!!!

everything just aren't right!!!!!!!

i wanna WHINE WHINE WHINE!!!!!!!

is it that hard to be your friend??
ah!~!! FORGET IT!!!

10:28:00 PM
but you never came...

Sunday, July 27, 2008
have been waiting for you

+ weekends~~~!!!! +

hello all!! =)

been relatively busy for this whole week...
packed with night classes after work, 4 days this week..
assignments are piling up and gonna be dued soon....
tiring and a little stressed up,
but i will hang on, MUST HANG ON~~!! =)

YAY!!! finally weekend came!!! =D
and i met up with SHERLYN!! ^^

26th JULY 2008

we met @ bugis ytd after my lecture [yes, a lecture on SAT!! :( ]
did some shopping, the place are crowded as usual...
and there's this taiwan food festival happening @ bugis junction..
damn PACKED!! people everywhere..
quenes everywhere~~!!

sherlyn & i walked and walked,
we are sick of the crowd (not that we dislike crowd or happening place, it is just that the people there just push and squeeze their way in a very rude manner. that disgust us!! )
thus decided to leave the place...

pic taken before we drove off from bugis i think =P

the road @ night.

was hungry, so hunt for place to settle our dinner..
drove around, and yay!!!
we found NEwton market place =)
finally a new place for us!! ^^

the stall tenants there are friendly, and even help us look for place to seat.
i know this is one of their tactic to get customers to order their food,
but at least they are friendly and nice, polite,
we do not mind ordering seafood from them =)

we ordered :

sambal squids.

sambal kang kong.

our favourite - Sambal stingray~~~!! ^^

can you imagine, the BIG portion (though we ordered small for every dish) dish are all finished by only two of us??!!!

we are bloated and full!!! =\
but the food really YUMMY and the chilli is SHIOk!!! ^^

see her satisfying action!! LOL.

left the place around 11plus 12 plus..
and before driving off,
of course it's Photo-TAKING TIME!!!!! =P

in the car... =)
i dun look good here (sound so bimbo. LOL)

i love the natural light effect =D

come on! let's do it together!!

*tongue stick out*

she screams! i BITE! wahahhaHHahah~~!!
UGLY!!! =x

she love peace!
i'm shy! =P

she's hugging a big bunny!!!
yeah yeah!! she's the one!! =D

lalala~~~~~ =)

omg omG!!!! where are we heading to??!!!

ENOUGH of these photo-taking!!
LOL.. we drove off finally, heading home!! =D

this is random... her eye!! LOL..

love this pic.. taken during the red light.. =P
so artistic!! i'm loving my camera~~~!! =D

once again, i must ANNOUNCED, she's a SAFETY driver!! *thumbs up*

we look so tian zhen~~ ^^

reached home around 12 plus..
meeting sherlyn again on sunday!! LOL..
we just aren't getting sick of each other =P

27th JULY 2008

so sherlyn picked me up around 1.15pm today.
headed to JP first..

met up with my cutie (jas) to collect my tops from taiwan!!
then off to do some shopping...

i bought a new pair of heels ..
nice and comfortable =)

i commented that sherlyn is my "LUCKY star"
because i seldom get to buy the heels whenever i'm looking for one.
but yet when i had planned to get one pair today, and i GOT IT!!
yay!! strange logic, but who careS?? i'm happy =P

had lunch @ lai lai kitchen, walked around JP..

was tempted to get the LG lappy (the salesperson is very good @ selling the lappy and can really convinced customers to buy on)

but i had no extra cash to get one yet (though the price is relatively cheap and the features are good too)

cuz i'm saving up for my own school fees (do not want to use parent's money)

and the one that i'm currently using now is still in good condition (i love it still ^^ )

shall see how by end of this year =)

as the day is still early, we decided to go to Plaza sing and search for sherlyn's kind of wallet.. LOl.

yeah... we are very "noob" for road name and route to get to plaza sing from JP.
so that's when a STREET DIRECTORY came in HANDY!! =)
besides she's a safety driver,
she's a willing-to- learn driver too!! hee ^^
serious look ~~~

finally figure the way there..
and so we got started!! =)

happy us!!! everything is so smooth for us today..
no circles and going round the road again!! LOL.. =P

the weather is very good today!! =)


sherlyn commented "it's been so long since we are out in the day and admire the scenery in day" yeah!! i agree!! LOL...

the singapore BIG thing "FLYER"

and not forgetting to take a pic of us in the day light =P

the road along .... hmm.... nvm... i really dunno what's the name.. =P

reached plaza sing.
shopped around..
try on clothes...
drank smoothies~~~
we had our fun =)

me in the changing room..
i like that blue top..
wonder why i didn't get it in the end =(

sherlyn did not buy anything today..
just like i did not get anything ytd.. LOL.

we take turns you see.. wahahhaa..

anyhow say de lah...
just that nothing caught her attention today! =P

okay.. since nothing more to see / shop

we headed home..
chit chat on the car,
listen to music..
i love this kind of life~~
so relaxing~~
so carefree~~

with a good friend beside you..
everything is nice =)

on the way back home..

she've been driving me to and fro these two days.
thanks! =)

thanks sweetie!! =)
you are a great friend! ^^
i dunno how to say but, thanks for everything! ^^
i love you!! opps... as a very good friend!! ^^

back to assignments / work / housework / school~~~
i will HANG ON!!!

just a few words from a few good friends,
i found my motivation and will to MOVE and WORK HARD!! =)

thanks friends!! ^^

take care and smiles~~!! =)

10:11:00 PM
but you never came...

Sunday, July 20, 2008
have been waiting for you

+ Just a update ^^ +

Met up with Jas and Stephanie @ orchard ytd...

after Jasmine bought her magazine at Kino,
we went over to Mos Burger to have lunch..

then we continued with our shopping...

walked over to taka and jas reserved a cake,
then stephanie and i brought her to Lucky plaza to get perfume (as she had broke hers just before she left her house to meet me)

Cheap Price with original Packaging!!
Dollars and Scents~~
that's the place Vanessa recommend me previously =)

got her perfume and off we went to Bugis..
walked around bugis village..
crowded as usual, humid as usual..
i dun like it~~~~~~~~~~~~

then walked over to Bugis junction...
so happened to see there's a autograph session there...

first time i see how Jasmine got excited over Artiste~~
and she used my camera to take many pics of it..
but i only post up 2 main pics okay =)

i dunno what's the name of this female artiste.
but i know she sang well...
Jas got so overwhelmed when she look at the pics and she realised the female artiste look directly into the camera =D

Lin You Jia (yoghurt)..i know him, sang very well!!!

then we walked and shopped, chit chat and gossiped..

wanna find a place to sit down and rest our feets..
planned to settle down at starbucks, but the place is packed!!

so we just walked around looking for new place..
and we found this..

a new japanese cafe...

we decided to give it a try there =)
the staff who attend to us, super FRIENDLY and SMILEY!!!
we like her!!!! ^^
*thumb up*

the place is cosy and nice ^^

the three of us... with my big FACE!!!! =\

Jasmine and Stephanie ^^

me myself and i =P

individual shots of them ^^
and while waiting for the orders to be served~~~~~

i started to take Pics =P

stephanie also want to take pic using her LG phone ^^
i think her phone is nice =)

i also wanna get a new Phone!!! touch screen de!!!! =P

you shoot me, i shoot you~~!! LOL.

lalala~~~! me again ^^
after some time, finally, the food camE!!!!!

the nice and delicious pasta!!!

the ultra-thin crust pizza~~~ yummy!!!
indulging into the food~~~

so am i~~~!! hahaha

smiles~~~~!! ^^
after we had our yummy and satisfied dinner,
we went back to orchard to do some more shopping..
in fact, it is stephanie who need to get some stuffs for her camping use!! =P
collected the cake which Jasmine had reserved previously,
then walked over to Heeren to shop...
FINALLY!!!! Stephanie got all her stuffs for camping!!
so she only need to pack and get ready for fun this coming week ^^
left orchard @ around 9pm..
headed to Mrt station ..

jasmine and me, at the MRT station =)

oh..this is taken in a sport shop, while Stephanie is trying out her track pants =)
my face look weird though =x

Stephanie's Victory for the day!! =P
met mummy up @ sunset way first and cabbed home together!! ^^
i love my mummy =)

reached home @ around 10plus..
it's been some time since i last chilled out late at night~~~
LOL... please ask me out friends~~~ =P
take care and smiles~~~~
take me away from Assignments and Lectures~~~

6:26:00 PM
but you never came...